YSF - Workshop "Gender in Science"

Workshop “Gender in Science”

Date 10-12-2021

Time: 2 – 4:30 p.m. CET


2:00 p.m. Welcome and introduction of the YSF

2:10 p.m. Interactive workshop:


Anne-Marie Tuck, with talk by Dr. Sigrid Schmitz

Anne-Marie Tuck is a Chartered Civil Engineer originally working in the UK Water Industry. She developed a passion for gender equity in STEM through her experiences and those of others around her. Anne-Marie is an Associate at Diversity Specialists Tectre. She will be talking about the challenges of gender equity, how society impacts our expectations of gendered roles and the importance of diversity in business. We will be looking together at what must be done to shift the dial, and how we can implement changes on both a corporate and personal level.

Dr. Sigrid Schmitz has a PhD and venia legendi in biology, and researches and teaches for more than 30 years on Gender in STEM. She chaired the Competence Center for Gender in Natural and Computer Science [gin] (University of Freiburg), was Professor for Gender (University of Vienna), and recently chaired the project Gendering MINT digital (HU Berlin, 2017-2020), which developed an open access platform for teaching Gender aspects in various STEM disciplines. She researches on brain sciences, neurocultures and feminist epistemologies.


3:40 p.m. Open panel discussion

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